I was recently asked the following question:
"As is the case with most people, I would suppose, I am subject to
the daily stress and anxiety people face. Pressure at work,
raising children (home stress) and various other stressors.
"Can you advise me what I can do
in the course of a day that will aleviate some of the stress and
anxiety that a person such as myself experiences?"
Here is my answer:
This situation is not at all unusual. In fact, most of us could
describe our daily life similarly. The problem is not that we lack
a breathing technique, the perfect exercise, or enough time spent
relaxing, listening to music. The problem is that we live our life
experiencing only three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming,
and deep sleep.
There is a fourth state of consciousness, a state reached during
deep meditation, which along with the other three is necessary for
full functioning in life. As we shall see shortly, techniques like
Natural Stress Relief™ make the fourth state of consciousness
possible. This is what sets them completely apart from the
majority of stress-reduction techniques that merely provide
I use the term "fourth state of consciousness" because this state
is physiologically distinct from the other three states of
consciousness. We can easily
demonstrate this in the laboratory
by observing unique mathematical characteristics of the waveforms
recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG) during meditation. (An
EEG is a measurement over time of the electrical signals generated
by the brain as picked up by electrodes in contact with the
In the waking state of consciousness our minds are busy solving
problems (goal-directed thinking), planning and carrying out motor
activity to achieve those goals, feeling and expressing emotions,
and processing content brought to us by our senses of
In contrast, dreaming and deep sleep are two states of
consciousness in which the body and mind rest, repair, and refresh
themselves in preparation for the next day's activity. In
dreaming, our mind engages in a very different kind of thinking
that is suitable for exploring and reliving stressful activities.
Deep sleep is a state of unconsciousness. These two major states
of sleep (as well as several substages) can easily be observed
in the EEG recorded during
sleep studies.
In the fourth state of consciousness we remain conscious and alert (as
in the waking state) yet without having any thoughts (as in deep
sleep). It is a unique state of awareness without any 'thing' or
object on which our awareness is focussed, a state of pure
awareness and inner peace. In this state of restful awareness,
which is deeper even than the more familiar states of dreaming and
deep sleep, much more deep-rooted stresses can be dissolved.
Experiencing this state and allowing our stresses to dissolve is
what brings us the great benefits of NSR™ meditation,
such as increased clarity of thinking, improved relationships,
enhanced productivity, and so forth.
The deep rest provided by this simplest state of awareness finally
allows our body to repair the damage caused by the stresses we
accumulate from daily living. This is confirmed by the daily
experience of thousands of meditators and validated by the
hundreds of scientific studies on advanced practitioners of Transcendental Meditation® and the fewer but just as impressive studies on
practitioners of Natural Stress Relief™.
Natural Stress Relief™ is a simple, effortless, and inexpensive mental
technique practiced for 15 minutes twice a day. It leads us
quickly to this fourth state of consciousness, a state of restful
alertness that refreshes us on the deepest level, allowing
stresses to dissolve naturally.
NSR™ brings about the fourth state of consciousness
by making use of the natural tendency of the mind to seek more
enjoyable experiences. The mind experiences a suitable thought and
follows it as it becomes quieter and more abstract. This happens
because the process is fascinating and enjoyable. As the mind
settles down the body naturally follows, quickly achieving a deep
state of rest. This whole process has traditionally been called
transcending. It reaches its fulfillment
in a state of pure, settled consciousness which has variously been
called transcendence, samadhi, satori, turya
(or turiya), living in the eternal present, self-actualization,
and the Kingdom of Heaven. Instead of being just an idea or
a philosophy, the actual experience of transcendence is now
available to anyone.
You can learn this enjoyable and refreshing process of
transcending in your own home and at your own pace from our self-
teaching manual and CD.
Over a thousand clients can testify to the sense of freedom, joy,
creativity, and intelligence that come when the mind and body are
freed from the burden of accumulated daily stress. Hundreds of
scientific studies on NSR™ and the comparable
technique Transcendental Meditation® confirm the depth of rest, freedom
from anxiety, increase in alertness, better health, and the many
other benefits that come when stress is eliminated and
consciousness is strengthened.
I invite you to explore this website and learn what
Natural Stress Relief™ can do for you.
David Spector
Natural Stress Relief/USA
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