Contact Us

Please complete this form to send a question or comment to NSR Meditation/USA.

Important: We reply to most messages within one day, sometimes within an hour. However, many people give us an email address that does not work, so our reply never reaches them. See below for reasons why you might not receive a reply.

Your Name:
Email Address:
Note: We use your email address only to reply to your message. We do not store it in our database, we never use it to send you advertising, and we never sell your information to other companies.

Enter the three digits 672 in reverse order, to help prevent spam:   

Why you might not receive a reply:

If you do not receive a reply after 24 hours, experience shows that the reason is undoubtedly one of the following:
If you receive no reply after 24 hours, all you have to do is fill out this form again using another email address and we will email you a copy of our original reply.